project enerGain

Promotion of Decentralized Energy Production from Renewable Energy Sources

with acronim ENER GAIN

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Project Description

LEAD BENEFICIARY: Foundation for Local and IT Development – Gevgelija | FLORIT – Gevgelija

PROJECT BENEFICIARY: Alliance of the Producers of Ecological Energy – BG | SPEE-BG – Blagoevgrad

DURATION: 15 months (October 2016 – January 2018)

FUNDING ORGANIZATION: INTERREG IPA CBC Bulgaria – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Programme (CCI Number: 2014TC16ISCB006)

TOTAL BUDGET: 56 468.47 Euro

Project EnerGAIN aims to support the establishment of an integrated approach in the CB area (Blagoevgrad District in Bulgaria) and (South-east planning region in Macedonia) in support of energy production of renewables (RES) and the wide introduction of energy efficient (EE) solutions.

The overall impact of project implementation in the region will be substantial as it will stimulate local businesses and will contribute for optimizing overall energy consumption and costs.

One of the key objectives of the projects is to improve the awareness and raise the interest of the main target groups and stakeholders in the CB area on decentralized energy solutions (DER) utilizing the potential of RES and their main benefits – environmental, economic (reduced costs and energy independence), efficiency (power quality and resilience), resource conservation (using only RES), reliability and security. In this regard the project will aim to promote the concept, main technologies and benefits that Renewable DERs can have for both individual homes, business and public facilities (municipalities, educational inst., etc.). In addition the project will strive to support the professionals in the field of RES and EE of the CB area by including them in joint capacity building initiatives presenting the latest developments in the field.

All of the abovementioned will contribute for improving the capacity for environmental protection and sustainable use of common natural resources in the CB area.


Project Implementation